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Windows.UI.Xaml.Data Namespace
The Windows.UI.Xaml.Data namespace defines the data binding infrastructure for apps.
Public classCode exampleBinding
Defines a binding that connects the properties of binding targets and data sources.
Public classBindingBase
Provides an abstract base class for the Binding class.
Public classBindingExpression
Contains information about a single instance of a System.Windows.Data.Binding.
Public classExpression
Represents the base class for Expressions such as BindingExpression.
Public classRelativeSource
Implements a markup extension that describes the location of the binding source relative to the position of the binding target.
Public classTemplateBinding
Public interfaceIValueConverter
Exposes methods that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine.
Public enumerationBindingMode
Describes how the data propagates in a binding.
Public enumerationRelativeSourceMode
Defines constants that describe the location of the binding source relative to the position of the binding target.