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ResourceManagerGetString Method (String)
Returns the value of the specified string resource.

Namespace: System.Resources
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll) Version:
public virtual string GetString(
	string name


Type: SystemString
The name of the resource to retrieve.

Return Value

Type: String
The value of the resource localized for the caller's current UI culture, or null if name cannot be found in a resource set.
ArgumentNullExceptionThe name parameter is null.
InvalidOperationExceptionThe value of the specified resource is not a string.
MissingManifestResourceExceptionNo usable set of resources has been found, and there are no resources for the default culture. For information about how to handle this exception, see the "Handling MissingManifestResourceException and MissingSatelliteAssemblyException Exceptions" section in the ResourceManager class topic.
MissingSatelliteAssemblyExceptionThe default culture's resources reside in a satellite assembly that could not be found. For information about how to handle this exception, see the "Handling MissingManifestResourceException and MissingSatelliteAssemblyException Exceptions" section in the ResourceManager class topic.
See Also