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Colors Properties

The Colors type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAliceBlue
Gets the color value that represents the AliceBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberAntiqueWhite
Gets the color value that represents the AntiqueWhite named color.
Public propertyStatic memberAqua
Gets the color value that represents the Aqua named color.
Public propertyStatic memberAquamarine
Gets the color value that represents the Aquamarine named color.
Public propertyStatic memberAzure
Gets the color value that represents the Azure named color.
Public propertyStatic memberBeige
Gets the color value that represents the Beige named color.
Public propertyStatic memberBisque
Gets the color value that represents the Bisque named color.
Public propertyStatic memberBlack
Gets the color value that represents the Black named color.
Public propertyStatic memberBlanchedAlmond
Gets the color value that represents the BlanchedAlmond named color.
Public propertyStatic memberBlue
Gets the color value that represents the Blue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberBlueViolet
Gets the color value that represents the BlueViolet named color.
Public propertyStatic memberBrown
Gets the color value that represents the Brown named color.
Public propertyStatic memberBurlyWood
Gets the color value that represents the BurlyWood named color.
Public propertyStatic memberCadetBlue
Gets the color value that represents the CadetBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberChartreuse
Gets the color value that represents the Chartreuse named color.
Public propertyStatic memberChocolate
Gets the color value that represents the Chocolate named color.
Public propertyStatic memberCoral
Gets the color value that represents the Coral named color.
Public propertyStatic memberCornflowerBlue
Gets the color value that represents the CornflowerBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberCornsilk
Gets the color value that represents the Cornsilk named color.
Public propertyStatic memberCrimson
Gets the color value that represents the Crimson named color.
Public propertyStatic memberCyan
Gets the color value that represents the Cyan named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkBlue
Gets the color value that represents the DarkBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkCyan
Gets the color value that represents the DarkCyan named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkGoldenrod
Gets the color value that represents the DarkGoldenrod named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkGray
Gets the color value that represents the DarkGray named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkGreen
Gets the color value that represents the DarkGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkKhaki
Gets the color value that represents the DarkKhaki named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkMagenta
Gets the color value that represents the DarkMagenta named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkOliveGreen
Gets the color value that represents the DarkOliveGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkOrange
Gets the color value that represents the DarkOrange named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkOrchid
Gets the color value that represents the DarkOrchid named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkRed
Gets the color value that represents the DarkRed named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkSalmon
Gets the color value that represents the DarkSalmon named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkSeaGreen
Gets the color value that represents the DarkSeaGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkSlateBlue
Gets the color value that represents the DarkSlateBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkSlateGray
Gets the color value that represents the DarkSlateGray named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkTurquoise
Gets the color value that represents the DarkTurquoise named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDarkViolet
Gets the color value that represents the DarkViolet named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDeepPink
Gets the color value that represents the DeepPink named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDeepSkyBlue
Gets the color value that represents the DeepSkyBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDimGray
Gets the color value that represents the DimGray named color.
Public propertyStatic memberDodgerBlue
Gets the color value that represents the DodgerBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberFirebrick
Gets the color value that represents the Firebrick named color.
Public propertyStatic memberFloralWhite
Gets the color value that represents the FloralWhite named color.
Public propertyStatic memberForestGreen
Gets the color value that represents the ForestGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberFuchsia
Gets the color value that represents the Fuchsia named color.
Public propertyStatic memberGainsboro
Gets the color value that represents the Gainsboro named color.
Public propertyStatic memberGhostWhite
Gets the color value that represents the GhostWhite named color.
Public propertyStatic memberGold
Gets the color value that represents the Gold named color.
Public propertyStatic memberGoldenrod
Gets the color value that represents the Goldenrod named color.
Public propertyStatic memberGray
Gets the color value that represents the Gray named color.
Public propertyStatic memberGreen
Gets the color value that represents the Green named color.
Public propertyStatic memberGreenYellow
Gets the color value that represents the GreenYellow named color.
Public propertyStatic memberHoneydew
Gets the color value that represents the Honeydew named color.
Public propertyStatic memberHotPink
Gets the color value that represents the HotPink named color.
Public propertyStatic memberIndianRed
Gets the color value that represents the IndianRed named color.
Public propertyStatic memberIndigo
Gets the color value that represents the Indigo named color.
Public propertyStatic memberIvory
Gets the color value that represents the Ivory named color.
Public propertyStatic memberKhaki
Gets the color value that represents the Khaki named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLavender
Gets the color value that represents the Lavender named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLavenderBlush
Gets the color value that represents the LavenderBlush named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLawnGreen
Gets the color value that represents the LawnGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLemonChiffon
Gets the color value that represents the LemonChiffon named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightBlue
Gets the color value that represents the LightBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightCoral
Gets the color value that represents the LightCoral named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightCyan
Gets the color value that represents the LightCyan named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightGoldenrodYellow
Gets the color value that represents the LightGoldenrodYellow named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightGray
Gets the color value that represents the LightGray named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightGreen
Gets the color value that represents the LightGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightPink
Gets the color value that represents the LightPink named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightSalmon
Gets the color value that represents the LightSalmon named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightSeaGreen
Gets the color value that represents the LightSeaGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightSkyBlue
Gets the color value that represents the LightSkyBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightSlateGray
Gets the color value that represents the LightSlateGray named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightSteelBlue
Gets the color value that represents the LightSteelBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLightYellow
Gets the color value that represents the LightYellow named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLime
Gets the color value that represents the Lime named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLimeGreen
Gets the color value that represents the LimeGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberLinen
Gets the color value that represents the Linen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMagenta
Gets the color value that represents the Magenta named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMaroon
Gets the color value that represents the Maroon named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMediumAquamarine
Gets the color value that represents the MediumAquamarine named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMediumBlue
Gets the color value that represents the MediumBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMediumOrchid
Gets the color value that represents the MediumOrchid named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMediumPurple
Gets the color value that represents the MediumPurple named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMediumSeaGreen
Gets the color value that represents the MediumSeaGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMediumSlateBlue
Gets the color value that represents the MediumSlateBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMediumSpringGreen
Gets the color value that represents the MediumSpringGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMediumTurquoise
Gets the color value that represents the MediumTurquoise named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMediumVioletRed
Gets the color value that represents the MediumVioletRed named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMidnightBlue
Gets the color value that represents the MidnightBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMintCream
Gets the color value that represents the MintCream named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMistyRose
Gets the color value that represents the MistyRose named color.
Public propertyStatic memberMoccasin
Gets the color value that represents the Moccasin named color.
Public propertyStatic memberNavajoWhite
Gets the color value that represents the NavajoWhite named color.
Public propertyStatic memberNavy
Gets the color value that represents the Navy named color.
Public propertyStatic memberOldLace
Gets the color value that represents the OldLace named color.
Public propertyStatic memberOlive
Gets the color value that represents the Olive named color.
Public propertyStatic memberOliveDrab
Gets the color value that represents the OliveDrab named color.
Public propertyStatic memberOrange
Gets the color value that represents the Orange named color.
Public propertyStatic memberOrangeRed
Gets the color value that represents the OrangeRed named color.
Public propertyStatic memberOrchid
Gets the color value that represents the Orchid named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPaleGoldenrod
Gets the color value that represents the PaleGoldenrod named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPaleGreen
Gets the color value that represents the PaleGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPaleTurquoise
Gets the color value that represents the PaleTurquoise named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPaleVioletRed
Gets the color value that represents the PaleVioletRed named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPapayaWhip
Gets the color value that represents the PapayaWhip named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPeachPuff
Gets the color value that represents the PeachPuff named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPeru
Gets the color value that represents the Peru named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPink
Gets the color value that represents the Pink named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPlum
Gets the color value that represents the Plum named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPowderBlue
Gets the color value that represents the PowderBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberPurple
Gets the color value that represents the Purple named color.
Public propertyStatic memberRed
Gets the color value that represents the Red named color.
Public propertyStatic memberRosyBrown
Gets the color value that represents the RosyBrown named color.
Public propertyStatic memberRoyalBlue
Gets the color value that represents the RoyalBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSaddleBrown
Gets the color value that represents the SaddleBrown named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSalmon
Gets the color value that represents the Salmon named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSandyBrown
Gets the color value that represents the SandyBrown named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSeaGreen
Gets the color value that represents the SeaGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSeaShell
Gets the color value that represents the SeaShell named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSienna
Gets the color value that represents the Sienna named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSilver
Gets the color value that represents the Silver named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSkyBlue
Gets the color value that represents the SkyBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSlateBlue
Gets the color value that represents the SlateBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSlateGray
Gets the color value that represents the SlateGray named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSnow
Gets the color value that represents the Snow named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSpringGreen
Gets the color value that represents the SpringGreen named color.
Public propertyStatic memberSteelBlue
Gets the color value that represents the SteelBlue named color.
Public propertyStatic memberTan
Gets the color value that represents the Tan named color.
Public propertyStatic memberTeal
Gets the color value that represents the Teal named color.
Public propertyStatic memberThistle
Gets the color value that represents the Thistle named color.
Public propertyStatic memberTomato
Gets the color value that represents the Tomato named color.
Public propertyStatic memberTransparent
Gets the color value that represents the Transparent named color.
Public propertyStatic memberTurquoise
Gets the color value that represents the Turquoise named color.
Public propertyStatic memberViolet
Gets the color value that represents the Violet named color.
Public propertyStatic memberWheat
Gets the color value that represents the Wheat named color.
Public propertyStatic memberWhite
Gets the color value that represents the White named color.
Public propertyStatic memberWhiteSmoke
Gets the color value that represents the WhiteSmoke named color.
Public propertyStatic memberYellow
Gets the color value that represents the Yellow named color.
Public propertyStatic memberYellowGreen
Gets the color value that represents the YellowGreen named color.
See Also