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XmlSerializationWriter Methods

The XmlSerializationWriter type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCreateInvalidEnumValueException
Creates an System.InvalidOperationException for an invalid enumeration value.
Protected methodCreateUnknownTypeException(Object)
Creates an System.InvalidOperationException that indicates that a type being serialized is not being used in a valid manner or is unexpectedly encountered.
Protected methodCreateUnknownTypeException(Type)
Creates an System.InvalidOperationException that indicates that a type being serialized is not being used in a valid manner or is unexpectedly encountered.
Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodStatic memberFromByteArrayBase64
Processes a base-64 byte array.
Protected methodStatic memberFromChar
Produces a string from an input System.Char.
Protected methodStatic memberFromDateTime
Produces a string from an input System.DateTime.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodInitCallbacks
Initializes instances of the XmlSerializationWriteCallback delegate to serialize SOAP-encoded XML data.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodTopLevelElement
Initializes object references only while serializing a SOAP-encoded SOAP message.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodWriteElementString
Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.
Protected methodWriteElementStringRaw(String, String, Byte)
Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.
Protected methodWriteElementStringRaw(String, String, String)
Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.
Protected methodWriteEmptyTag
Writes an XML element whose body is empty.
Protected methodWriteEndElement
Writes a <closing> element tag.
Protected methodWriteEndElement(Object)
Writes a closing element tag.
Protected methodWriteNullableStringLiteral
Writes an XML element that contains a string as the body. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts an xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.
Protected methodWriteNullableStringLiteralRaw
Writes an XML element that contains a string as the body. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts a xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.
Protected methodWriteNullTagLiteral
Writes an XML element with an xsi:nil='true' attribute.
Protected methodWriteStartDocument
Writes the XML declaration if the writer is positioned at the start of an XML document.
Protected methodWriteStartElement(String, String, Object, Boolean)
Writes an opening element tag, including any attributes.
Protected methodWriteStartElement(String, String, Object, Boolean, XmlSerializerNamespaces)
Writes an opening element tag, including any attributes.
Protected methodWriteXsiType
Writes an xsi:type attribute for an XML element that is being serialized into a document.
See Also