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DelegateCreateDelegate Method (Type, Type, String, Boolean)
Creates a delegate of the specified type that represents the specified static method of the specified class, with the specified case-sensitivity.

Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll) Version:
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(
	Type type,
	Type target,
	string method,
	bool ignoreCase


Type: SystemType
The Type of delegate to create.
Type: SystemType
The Type representing the class that implements method.
Type: SystemString
The name of the static method that the delegate is to represent.
Type: SystemBoolean
A Boolean indicating whether to ignore the case when comparing the name of the method.

Return Value

Type: Delegate
A delegate of the specified type that represents the specified static method of the specified class.
ArgumentNullExceptiontype is null.-or- target is null.-or- method is null.
ArgumentExceptiontype does not inherit MulticastDelegate.-or- type is not a RuntimeType. See Runtime Types in Reflection. -or-target is not a RuntimeType.-or-target is an open generic type. That is, its ContainsGenericParameters property is true.-or-method is not a static method (Shared method in Visual Basic). -or-method cannot be bound, for example because it cannot be found.
MissingMethodExceptionThe Invoke method of type is not found.
MethodAccessExceptionThe caller does not have the permissions necessary to access method.
See Also