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ActivatorCreateInstance Method (Type, BindingFlags, Binder, Object, CultureInfo)
Creates an instance of the specified type using the constructor that best matches the specified parameters.

Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll) Version:
public static Object CreateInstance(
	Type type,
	BindingFlags bindingAttr,
	Binder binder,
	Object[] args,
	CultureInfo culture


Type: SystemType
The type of object to create.
Type: System.ReflectionBindingFlags
A combination of zero or more bit flags that affect the search for the type constructor. If bindingAttr is zero, a case-sensitive search for public constructors is conducted.
Type: System.ReflectionBinder
An object that uses bindingAttr and args to seek and identify the type constructor. If binder is null, the default binder is used.
Type: SystemObject
An array of arguments that match in number, order, and type the parameters of the constructor to invoke. If args is an empty array or null, the constructor that takes no parameters (the default constructor) is invoked.
Type: System.GlobalizationCultureInfo
Culture-specific information that governs the coercion of args to the formal types declared for the type constructor. If culture is null, the CultureInfo for the current thread is used.

Return Value

Type: Object
A reference to the newly created object.
ArgumentNullExceptiontype is null.
ArgumentExceptiontype is not a RuntimeType. -or-type is an open generic type (that is, the ContainsGenericParameters property returns true).
NotSupportedExceptiontype cannot be a TypeBuilder.-or- Creation of TypedReference, ArgIterator, Void, and RuntimeArgumentHandle types, or arrays of those types, is not supported. -or-The assembly that contains type is a dynamic assembly that was created with Save.-or-The constructor that best matches args has varargs arguments.
TargetInvocationExceptionThe constructor being called throws an exception.
MethodAccessExceptionThe caller does not have permission to call this constructor.
MemberAccessExceptionCannot create an instance of an abstract class, or this member was invoked with a late-binding mechanism.
InvalidComObjectExceptionThe COM type was not obtained through GetTypeFromProgID or GetTypeFromCLSID.
MissingMethodExceptionNo matching constructor was found.
COMExceptiontype is a COM object but the class identifier used to obtain the type is invalid, or the identified class is not registered.
TypeLoadExceptiontype is not a valid type.
See Also