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HttpRequestHeader Enumeration
The HTTP headers that may be specified in a client request.

Namespace: System.Net
Assembly: CSharpXamlForHtml5.System.dll (in CSharpXamlForHtml5.System.dll.dll) Version:
public enum HttpRequestHeader
  Member nameValueDescription
CacheControl0 The Cache-Control header, which specifies directives that must be obeyed by all cache control mechanisms along the request/response chain.
Connection1 The Connection header, which specifies options that are desired for a particular connection.
Date2 The Date header, which specifies the date and time at which the request originated.
KeepAlive3 The Keep-Alive header, which specifies a parameter used into order to maintain a persistent connection.
Pragma4 The Pragma header, which specifies implementation-specific directives that might apply to any agent along the request/response chain.
Trailer5 The Trailer header, which specifies the header fields present in the trailer of a message encoded with chunked transfer-coding.
TransferEncoding6 The Transfer-Encoding header, which specifies what (if any) type of transformation that has been applied to the message body.
Upgrade7 The Upgrade header, which specifies additional communications protocols that the client supports.
Via8 The Via header, which specifies intermediate protocols to be used by gateway and proxy agents.
Warning9 The Warning header, which specifies additional information about that status or transformation of a message that might not be reflected in the message.
Allow10 The Allow header, which specifies the set of HTTP methods supported.
ContentLength11 The Content-Length header, which specifies the length, in bytes, of the accompanying body data.
ContentType12 The Content-Type header, which specifies the MIME type of the accompanying body data.
ContentEncoding13 The Content-Encoding header, which specifies the encodings that have been applied to the accompanying body data.
ContentLanguage14 The Content-Langauge header, which specifies the natural language(s) of the accompanying body data.
ContentLocation15 The Content-Location header, which specifies a URI from which the accompanying body may be obtained.
ContentMd516 The Content-MD5 header, which specifies the MD5 digest of the accompanying body data, for the purpose of providing an end-to-end message integrity check.
ContentRange17 The Content-Range header, which specifies where in the full body the accompanying partial body data should be applied.
Expires18 The Expires header, which specifies the date and time after which the accompanying body data should be considered stale.
LastModified19 The Last-Modified header, which specifies the date and time at which the accompanying body data was last modified.
Accept20 The Accept header, which specifies the MIME types that are acceptable for the response.
AcceptCharset21 The Accept-Charset header, which specifies the character sets that are acceptable for the response.
AcceptEncoding22 The Accept-Encoding header, which specifies the content encodings that are acceptable for the response.
AcceptLanguage23 The Accept-Langauge header, which specifies that natural languages that are preferred for the response.
Authorization24 The Authorization header, which specifies the credentials that the client presents in order to authenticate itself to the server.
Cookie25 The Cookie header, which specifies cookie data presented to the server.
Expect26 The Expect header, which specifies particular server behaviors that are required by the client.
From27 The From header, which specifies an Internet E-mail address for the human user who controls the requesting user agent.
Host28 The Host header, which specifies the host name and port number of the resource being requested.
IfMatch29 The If-Match header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if the client's cached copy of the indicated resource is current.
IfModifiedSince30 The If-Modified-Since header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if the requested resource has been modified since the indicated data and time.
IfNoneMatch31 The If-None-Match header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if none of client's cached copies of the indicated resources are current.
IfRange32 The If-Range header, which specifies that only the specified range of the requested resource should be sent, if the client's cached copy is current.
IfUnmodifiedSince33 The If-Unmodified-Since header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if the requested resource has not been modified since the indicated date and time.
MaxForwards34 The Max-Forwards header, which specifies an integer indicating the remaining number of times that this request may be forwarded.
ProxyAuthorization35 The Proxy-Authorization header, which specifies the credentials that the client presents in order to authenticate itself to a proxy.
Referer36 The Referer header, which specifies the URI of the resource from which the request URI was obtained.
Range37 The Range header, which specifies the the sub-range(s) of the response that the client requests be returned in lieu of the entire response.
Te38 The TE header, which specifies the transfer encodings that are acceptable for the response.
Translate39 The Translate header, a Microsoft extension to the HTTP specification used in conjunction with WebDAV functionality.
UserAgent40 The User-Agent header, which specifies information about the client agent.
See Also