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Interop Methods

The Interop type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberExecuteJavaScript(String)
Allows calling JavaScript code from within C#.
Public methodStatic memberExecuteJavaScript(String, Object)
Allows calling JavaScript code from within C#.
Public methodStatic memberGetDiv
Returns the HTML Div that is associated to the specified FrameworkElement. Note: the FrameworkElement must be in the visual tree. Consider calling this method from the 'Loaded' event to ensure that the element is in the visual tree.
Public methodStatic memberLoadCssFile
Adds a 'link' tag to the HTML page and waits for the CSS file to finish loading.
Public methodStatic memberLoadJavaScriptFile
Adds a 'script' tag to the HTML page and waits for the script to finish loading.
See Also